Monsieur Veyder-Malberg eyeing (and tasting) a fine brew of stinging nettle tea for his biodynamic vineyards. (near Vienna, Austria) back around 2005.
Biodynamics is not just theory, but a tangible, tasteable persuit of excellence in the production of food and drink. It is furthermore not a replacement for solid agricultural knowledge and experience, but rather a refinment and an extention thereof. In our approach, we build on the basic building blocks of agroecology, soil science, plant biology and so on, while complimenting and expanding our understanding of what makes a plant grow healthy and productive with a developing perception of sublte forces in nature, such as chronobiological rhythms and the effect of complimentary and alternative medical approaches to plant pathology. In other words, we take a medical (diagnostic-therapeutic) approach (both regular and complimentary medicine) to the care our farms and persue a treatment of greatest possible respect for our natural resources. This approach is not simply philosophical, but aims at creating the highest, most unadulterated natural quality possible.
Biodynamics is not just theory, but a tangible, tasteable persuit of excellence in the production of food and drink. It is furthermore not a replacement for solid agricultural knowledge and experience, but rather a refinment and an extention thereof. In our approach, we build on the basic building blocks of agroecology, soil science, plant biology and so on, while complimenting and expanding our understanding of what makes a plant grow healthy and productive with a developing perception of sublte forces in nature, such as chronobiological rhythms and the effect of complimentary and alternative medical approaches to plant pathology. In other words, we take a medical (diagnostic-therapeutic) approach (both regular and complimentary medicine) to the care our farms and persue a treatment of greatest possible respect for our natural resources. This approach is not simply philosophical, but aims at creating the highest, most unadulterated natural quality possible.